
The texas chain saw massacre cinematic universe
The texas chain saw massacre cinematic universe

Stay clear of the sequels and remakes though, if memory serves me they are almost entirely awful on all levels. Great movie, strongly recommend anyone check it out. The final moments of 'Texas Chainsaw 3D' are nothing short of a cinematic embarrassment as Leatherface is turned into a kind of antihero. I started to bug out as those bright flashes lit up my theater just long enough for me to come out of my daze and catch a dirty hand or a skull or something and then be plunged back into darkness.


Right off the bat you know this movie is a home run with the gore/flashbulbs sequence. You're not always sure if it's score of if it's sound effect, and that final scene with just a constant chainsaw whizzing away.powerful. Searing and sunbaked as the film itself, his killer screenprint begs the question, Who will survive and what will be left of them This poster will be available Tuesday, May 2 at 11AM CT on The Drop at. I love the moments where you hear chickens clucking, but it sounds like people laughing at the poor girl. This week, Eric returns with a tribute to THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE and its truly gruesome opening image. Aside from Dan Pearl's cinematography, this score is outstanding. I love that each scene plays to the reality of the situation and at the same time makes for nice satire of American hypocrisy. The Best Horror Movies on Netflix: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist + More. I watched it this past weekend and was blown away all over again. It's shot so masterfully and that adds a whole lot to the experience. When you can easily remember how it made you feel. “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou I appreciated it for what it was and I definitely won't forget how it made me feel. The feeling of utter despair stays the entire movie. The main woman being tied up and forced to sit at the dinner table. Her being leisurely hooked onto a hook from her back.

the texas chain saw massacre cinematic universe

The first girl victim flopping back into the ice box was hard to watch as well. They just kept the camera rolling when he entered the house. It all happens so fast and they didn't cut to a close up frame of him dragging the poor guy in. SPOILERS: The first time Leatherface comes bursting out of the room and dragging the victim into his den was straight up cringing to watch. I've been chipping away at a horror movie bucket list as of late and decided to check this original off the list.

The texas chain saw massacre cinematic universe